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Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo

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Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo  Empty Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo

Post by Simul8ter8 Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:04 am

Unfortunately I will only be able to post the scores and not photos due to my extreme lack of time... Sad I'm very sorry for things going this way...

Automatic Qualifiers
Boyce & Kingston
Alton & Upton

First Round Matches
Molowaku bye
Atarashima 20 Norvegia 16
Eco Land 16 Bangorai' 17
Trimbelina 19 Columbia 21
Syldavia bye
Lower Columbia 17 Musunia 20
Genevra bye
Oonte Rotocco 17 West End 16
Republic of Victoria bye
Platte Republic 18 Dominea 19
Sirou bye
Greater Morsco 22 Aleksania 14
Tongolia bye
Llithustania 21 Ascadylea 22
Saint Croix bye
Torglavia 14 New Zealand 13
Winterland bye
South Chesapeake 22 Marquette 16
Sunrise Empire 23 Galbadia 18
Romanican Republic 15 Federated States of Arabia 16 XT
Delta bye
Tirnreich 13 Royal Cytheria 14 XT
Greenwich bye
Collanden 23 Australasian Islands 21
Springola bye
Venray 20 Shayden 14
Sierrastare 15 Seto 13
Rorysville 16 Gulf States of America 17
Illu'a bye
Dutch Columbia 15 Cascadian Federation 18
New Felix bye
Nkrumah 21 Aeropoli 19
Dolgaria bye
Myon 16 Petrova 17 XT
Heimen 18 Van Vatten 12
Diesmaran Empire 16 Vercelli 17
Imperial Atlantean Empire bye
Sid Country 18 Maroanestra 16
Quandt bye
Linden 21 Nabew 17
Shienar bye
West Logan 20 Italy 21
Anea bye
Buesti & Ravoi 15 Shawland 14
Korea bye
Shushtrepistaz 21 Island Union 16
United Slavonia bye
Insulo 16 Connar 17 XT
Japan bye
Puget 19 Cesskaran Republic 22
Holidia 15 Hellenic Federation 21
Karasem 21 New Bordeaux 13
Bob bye
Ossil 14 Calioshire 13
Ellis Valley bye
Aurora 15 Nanzhao 20
Kenosha bye
Arcacia 13 San Espiranto 21
Kiji bye
Jumaane 19 Jiesan 18 XT
Komakosa bye
Aeris 17 Haidenburg 19
Baden bye
Auria 23 Arranossa 12

Second Round Matches
Molowaku 20 Atarashima 11
Bangorai' 19 Columbia 20
Syldavia 13 Musunia 19
Genevra 15 Oonte Rotocco 14
Republic of Victoria 16 Dominea 17
Sirou 22 Greater Morsco 21
Tongolia 20 Ascadylea 16
Saint Croix 18 Torglavia 23
Winterland 15 South Chesapeake 17
Sunrise Empire 18 Federated States of Arabia 17
Delta 18 Royal Cytheria 20
Greenwich 21 Collanden 17
Springola 14 Venray 15
Sierrastare 19 Gulf States of America 21
Illu'a 17 Cascadian Federation 14
New Felix 15 Nkrumah 17
Dolgaria 21 Petrova 19
Heimen 20 Vercelli 12
Imperial Atlantean Empire 16 Sid Country 14
Quandt 17 Linden 18
Shienar 14 Italy 20
Anea 13 Buesti & Ravoi 18
Korea 21 Shushtrepistaz 20
United Slavonia 20 Connar 19
Japan 17 Cesskaran Republic 23
Hellenic Federation 16 Karasem 18
Bob 20 Ossil 19
Ellis Valley 19 Nanzhao 22
Kenosha 18 San Espiranto 17
Kiji 21 Jumaane 18
Komakosa 16 Haidenburg 12
Baden 17 Auria 16

Third Round Matches
Molowaku 20 Columbia 21
Musunia 17 Genevra 13
Dominea 14 Sirou 20
Tongolia 13 Torglavia 17
South Chesapeake 19 Sunrise Empire 20
Royal Cytheria 16 Greenwich 20
Venray 18 Gulf States of America 12
Illu'a 21 Nkrumah 15
Dolgaria 18 Heimen 13
Imperial Atlantean Empire 12 Linden 22
Italy 17 Buesti & Ravoi 20
Korea 21 United Slavonia 18
Cesskaran Republic 21 Karasem 15
Bob 13 Nanzhao 21
Kenosha 14 Kiji 16
Komakosa 13 Baden 14

Fourth Round Matches
Columbia 22 Musunia 21
Sirou 20 Torglavia 16
Sunrise Empire 17 Greenwich 20
Venray 15 Illu'a 12
Dolgaria 19 Linden 17
Buesti & Ravoi 16 Korea 18
Cesskaran Republic 22 Nanzhao 19
Kiji 16 Baden 18

Congratualtions to our Simlympics Qualifiers!
Boyce & Kingston
Alton & Upton
Cesskaran Republic

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2012-05-12
Location : Illinois, US of A

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Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo  Empty Re: Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo

Post by ggamgus Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:37 am

Lost in second round... DANG. Razz

Number of posts : 379
Registration date : 2012-05-28

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Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo  Empty Re: Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo

Post by TekindusT Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:51 am

Last Simlympics we auto-qualified and then defeated on the first round, hope this situation doesn't repeat!
Former Simlympic Host

Number of posts : 254
Registration date : 2010-03-28
Location : Rubí, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo  Empty Re: Road to Atarashima | Women's Water Polo

Post by mystic.destiny Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:42 pm

Ahh Ata didn't make it Razz
Former Simlympic Host

Number of posts : 319
Registration date : 2011-12-13
Location : Melbourne, Australia

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